President Bush spent the Memorial Day weekend thanking the nations veterans for their service, saying we acknowledge the debt [we owe them] by showing our respect and gratitude.1
… except this was mere hours after the Bush administration had announced new plans to cut $1 billion from the Veterans Administrations budget in a second term if it gets reelected2. The Administration has already tried to close several VA hospitals throughout the country3 in moves that have been criticized by veterans groups nationwide4. Recently 164,000 veterans have been cut off from their existing prescription drug coverage by the White House5, and the President has threatened to veto6 any bill that would allow veterans to receive both the military pension promised as well as any disability compensation they are entitled to.
Definitely not the best way to show your thanks to those whove served in uniform on this day.
- Presidential Weekly Radio Address Speech,, 05/29/04.
- “Democrats rip Bush’s outline for cuts in domestic programs,” Palm Beach Post, 5/28/04.
- “VA Seeks Major Hospital Overhaul,” CBS News, 8/05/03.
- “President Bush’s Veterans’ Budget Called Woefully Inadequate and Inexcusable,” Senate Democratic Policy Committee, 2/12/04.
- “VA Cuts Some Veterans’ Access to Health Care,” Washington Post, 1/17/03.
- “Bush Threatens Veto of Defense Bill,” Washington Post, 10/7/02, p.A02.