One of the quickly growing Linux operating system distributions, Ubuntu, has made the release candidate for v5.04 available for download.
Some of the features to look forward to in the full release, slated for April, include Gnome 2.10,, Firefox 1.0.2, the Ubuntu update manager and more.
Which is the stable release now then?
I was running the stable release, but the “support” in #ubuntu all use the newer, unstable versions which blows for average Joe’s.
The current release is v4.10 (“Warty Warthog”), while the current development release is v5.04 (“Hoary Hedgehog”).
When 5.04 is officially released sometime in April, it will then become the stable release and v5.10 (“Grumpy Groundhog”) will become the development branch, with a scheduled release date of October, 2005.