2009 Halloween at the Meister House

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[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/3WDnRHSFlCA" width="450" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Another Halloween at the Meister House has passed. We had well over 200 kids, plus all their family and friends, visit our display tonight.

This video has a tour of our indoor and outdoor display. The music playing is “Druids” by Midnight Syndicate, a group that also comes from northeast Ohio.

The complete Halloween setup takes roughly a week to put together, as there are 30-something inflatable decorations outside, along with a computer-controlled graveyard light show and other features.

Inside our oversized garage, we have well over 150 animated decorations, collected over the last decade. All waiting for the little visitors to activate them with the push of a button.

It’s great fun watching everyone come through and enjoy the show. Sometimes, the kids completely forget to ask for candy, because they’re so busy with pushing buttons in the garage.

I have an overview of creating a holiday light show on the Geek Squad Blog for those interested. The setup even got a mention on Cleveland’s Fox 8 New.

Hope to see everyone here again next year.

Halloween 2007 at the Meister House

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This year’s Trick or Treat event at the Meister House was our biggest yet, with over 200 kids visiting our Halloween display. Like most years, we had a steady stream of people coming for the first time only to come back later in the evening to bring friends and family back to see all we’ve setup over the last few weeks.

The streets in the area were filled with people for much of the night, resulting in our newest neighbors running out of candy, making a quick trip to buy more, then running out again all over the three hours the city officially recognizes for the night. We had an oversized bowl of candy, as well as several others around the garage area, all of which were empty by the end.

Our two biggest additions this year, Jason and Joe, went over extremely well with both the kids and adults. We joked that next year, we’re investing in high speed photo printers and digital cameras so that we can charge people to have pictures taken, much like the amusement parks do.