Play Audio – WTAM 1100 Newsradio – Tech Tuesday – September 30th, 2014
While the smartphone news has recently been dominated by iPhone and Android, the recently announced BlackBerry Passport may interest some with it’s promise of being an “office on the go” device.
Some of the key features of the Passport:
Physical Keyboard – The Passport combines a physical keyboard and a line of changing screen-based keys above that will make heavy email and messaging users happy.
- Battery Life – BlackBerry is claiming 30 hours during normal use with its 3460mAh battery, providing cordless productivity while away home or the office.
- Large Screen – A unique 4.5 inch square screen provides a large viewing and touch area for emails, work documents and websites.
- BlackBerry Hub – An app that keeps your conversations in one place, including BBM, email, phone and social media.
- Android Apps – The phone not only runs BlackBerry World apps, but Android apps from the pre-installed Amazon Appstore.